匪夷所思的是,巴勒斯坦驻我国大使华力阿布阿里(Walid Abu Ali)却说,不知道有这样的安排。
我国去年8月曾接收了127名巴人,其中41人是来治伤,其余则安置在首都中转大楼(Wisma Transit)。他们至少有两次闹事,劳烦我国出动军方和执法人员,幸好没有发生伤亡事件,一次是在去年10月,另一次在上个月,要求当局加快处理他们返回加沙的申请。
History Says: Good Luck, Malaysia. Malaysia wants to “help” Palestinian bombing suspects? Here’s a history lesson on what happened to every country that tried that before.
1. Jordan (1970) – The Palestinians Tried to Overthrow the King
How the PLO almost conquered Jordan
Jordan: “We welcome our Palestinian brothers! Please, make yourselves at home!”
PLO: “Thanks! Also, we’re going to overthrow your government.”
King Hussein: “Wait, what?”
PLO: “Yes! We have guns, fighters, and a dream to turn Jordan into Palestine!”
Result? Jordan’s army massacred thousands of Palestinians in what became known as Black September Arafat & the PLO were kicked out. Jordan never fully trusted Palestinians again.
Lesson for Malaysia: If you bring them in and they start thinking Malaysia = Palestine 2.0, don’t be surprised when they try to take over.
2. Lebanon (1975) – The Palestinians Dragged the Country into Civil War Lebanon: “We love Palestinians! They can stay in our camps!” PLO: “Thanks! We’ll turn your country into a launchpad for attacks on Israel.”
Lebanese Christians: “Excuse me?!”
PLO: “Don’t worry, we’ll also get involved in your politics and start fights with different factions.”
Result? Lebanon fell into a 15-year civil war. The PLO was blamed for fueling chaos. Beirut got bombed to ruins.
Lesson for Malaysia: If you think Palestinians will just be peaceful guests, ask Lebanon how that worked out.
3. Kuwait (1990) – The Palestinians Backed the Wrong Side
Kuwait: “We welcome our Palestinian brothers! We’ll even give them jobs and housing!” Palestinians: “Thank you! Also, we support Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.”
Kuwait: “Wait, WHAT?!” Result? After the Gulf War, Kuwait kicked out 400,000 Palestinians. They lost jobs, homes, and were never welcomed back. Lesson for Malaysia: If you give them refuge and they start siding with your enemies, don’t expect gratitude
it's from Kamila Kasim
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